MicroStrategy SDK 7.0
Table of Contents:
- Ad-Hoc Reporting
- Excel Add-In
- Hello World (VB)
- Hello World (VC)
- MiniAgent
- VMALL Creator
- Web Scheduler
- Web User Manager
- Web SDK Workbench
- EditEvent Setting
- Extended Property Editor
- Filter Updater
- Mini Object Manager
- XML Converter
- Base API Helper
- Web API Helper
- Security Support DLL
- Additional Information
Ad-Hoc Reporting:
This application demonstrates how a report can be constructed very easily from an arbitrary list of attributes, metrics and elements. It also shows how to add a metric qualification on the report.
After connecting to a project, users are provided with a list of all attributes and metrics in the project. A user can click on any single attribute, to view the elements of this attribute. A user could construct a report by choosing any of these objects.
When adding a metric qualification on the report, a user can choose to qualify the value, rank or percentile of any existing metrics, calculated at any attribute level.
1. Choose the data source you want to connect in the Data Source Name drop down box, and click Connect.
2. A login form appears. Type in your login and password in the text box or check Use trusted security check box. Then click Login.
3. Choose a project from the Project drop down box, change your login/password if it is different from the login/password of the data source.
4. You are now returned to the main form. You can browse in the left plane. Click on the + icon of an attribute to retrieve the list of elements of this attribute. From the left plane, choose the attributes, metrics or elements that you want to include in your report. Click >> to move them to the right plane.
5. If you want to add a metric qualification to your report, check the Add Metric qualification check box.
6. Click Execute.
· If you did not check Add Metric qualification check box, you now see the report result grid.
· If you did check Add Metric qualification check box, you are prompted with a Metric Qualification form.
7. Choose a metric on the Metric drop down box. Choose an attribute on which level this metric would be calculated. You can then select the option of qualifying on its value, rank or percentile. Choose an operator from the Choose an operator drop down box and type in the value in the Specify a value box(es).
8. Click Apply to apply the defined metric qualification to the report.
9. The report result grid appears.
Excel Add-In:
The Excel Add-In sample shows you how to access the MicroStrategy environment and run reports through the Microsoft Excel interface.
This VBA application allows you to connect to an existing MicroStrategy 7.0 project and retrieve a list of all reports in this project. You can choose to run any report and view the report grid in the Excel work sheet.
1. Double click on file Doexladd.xla in your Windows Explorer to open this application directly. Click Enable Macros if such a window appears. You can also open Microsoft Excel. Go to Tools Add ins…, and browse to find the Doexladd.xla in your machine. Check the option Microstrategy 7.0 Add in. You will see a Microstrategy 7.0 SDK menu appears on the menu bar.
2. Click Microstrategy 7.0 SDK menu. Choose the item Select project…. A Select a project form appears.
3. Choose in the left plane List of registered projects a data source that you want to connect to. Provide the login/password. Click Connect.
4. A list of project appears if you selected a 3 Tier data source. Provide the login/password for the project and click Connect again. The Select a project form is not visible.
5. Click on a cell in the excel work sheet where you want the report to start.
6. Go back to the Microstrategy 7.0 SDK. Choose Run Report. A Select a report form appears. (You can still choose Select Project… item if you decide to connect to another project.)
7. Wait while the report in the project loads. Choose a report that you want to run. The report is in alphabetical order by its name. The Path text field shows the location of the report.
8. Select a report in the available report list and click Run.
9. The report result grid appears on the work sheet, starting from the cell that you previously selected.
Hello World (VB):
This simple(one-button-click) application shows the basics of how to execute a report in VB. It connects to the SDK_Demo datasource, logs in as administrator, executes an existing SDK Sample Report and shows the data part of the result set.
Click Execute button. The result grid appears.
Hello World (VC):
This simple(one-button-click) application shows the basics of how to execute a report in VB. It connects to the SDK_Demo datasource, logs in as administrator, executes an existing SDK Sample Report and shows the data part of the result set.
Click Execute buttion. The result grid appears.
This VB Sample application demonstrates a basic set of features that can be executed through the MSTR 7.0 Base API.
Working through this sample, users can learn how to connect to a project, browse objects, search for objects of a certain name, obtain filter expressions from a filter object, obtain template layout information from a template object, obtain report template and filter information from a report definition object. Furthermore, users can execute a report definition object while controlling or observing the stages of the execution. Users can also inspect the SQL statements that were executed and see the execution result grid.
1. Click Enum Data Sources. A list of registered data source appears.
2. Select the data source you want to connect to and click Login. A login form appears.
3. Provide the login credentials to log in the data source in the login form and click Login. You return to the main form.
4. Choose a project you want to connect to in the Projects under Data Source list box. Click Get Session. Again, the login form appears.
5. Provide project login credentials if they are different from previous. Click Login.
6. If you have successfully created a session, the form extends to show the Part II Basic Object Access plane.
7. You can browse a folder object in the Children plane by clicking on the up arrow button to go to its parent folder. Or, click on the down arrow button to get the items that are contained in the selected folder.
- If you selected a Filter object, click Filter Info to see the filter expression of the selected filter.
- If you selected a template object, click Template Info to see the template units on the selected template.
- If you selected a report definition object, click Report Info to see the filter and template information of the selected report definition.
- If you selected a report definition object, you can also execute this report. Click New instance. The plane extends to show Part III Report Execution. Choose which stage you want the report to be executed in the Actions drop down box and click Execute. Meanwhile, you can view the state of the report execution at the State: text field.
- If View SQL is enabled, you can view the executed SQL for this report.
- If View Grid is enabled, you can view the executed result of this report.
VMALL Creator:
This sample application demonstrates how to use MicroStrategy 7 Intelligence Server API to construct a version 7 VMALL metadata from scratch. It illustrates how to use Intelligence Server API to create schema level objects, including columns, database tables (physical), logical tables, attributes, attribute forms, facts, and dimensions. It also establishes the relationships among these objects to create a complete schema object. The metadata is specific to VMALL sample data warehouse.
1. Specify VMALL metadata location by selecting a metadata data source name(DSN) from metadata ODBC DSN list box. Enter the username and password of the metadata DSN in the corresponding text boxes.
2. Specify VMALL sample data warehouse location by selecting a warehouse DSN from warehouse ODBC DSN list box. Enter the username and password of the warehouse DSN in the corresponding text boxes. Note that the VMALL sample data warehouse needs to be present at this location.
3. Usually the Metadata Table Creation Script is automatically chosen for you once a metadata DSN is selected. You are also able to edit the path of table creation script. The table creation SQL script comes with the standard install. If this text box is empty, then it is likely the script is not installed on your machine.
4. The New Configuration PDS File and New Project PDS File should also be automatically chosen for you. You can edit the path of these scripts. If these two text boxes are empty, then it is likely that they are not installed on your machine.
5. Click Start to start VMALL metadata creation.
Web Scheduler:
This application provides the basic ability for users to schedule reports on a periodic basis via the web. Users can create new time-based schedules. Users can also schedule report execution based on available schedules. This utility also provides the user with the ability to view and modify the list of scheduled reports in the project.
1. Login in to a server and a project.
2. Create a new schedule by going to Create New Schedule page.
3. Browse to the folder containing a report to schedule the report.
4. A list of scheduled reports can be inspected through the Scheduled Report List page.
Web User Manager:
This sample application demonstrates how to manage DSS user accounts in your database. Each DSS user exposed by the interface IDSSUser has a user account (IDSSUserAccount) and typically resides in the Configuration Repository. The user account interface IDSSUserAccount exposes the necessary information about a user, i.e. name, description, information about password, and very importantly its privileges and memberships.
This application can display all the user and group accounts in the Configuration Repository if you have administrative privilege (DssPrivilegesBypassAccessChecks). It enables you to view the users under the selected groups and the groups of the selected users. It also enables you to edit, create and delete a user account or a group account, associate a WindowsNT user account with a DSS user account.
- Login.asp: The start page for this application. Log a user into the configuration repository by the credentials provided.
- Logout.asp: Log a user out from the configuration repository.
- Main.asp: The main page for this application.
- Addusers.asp: Create a new DSS user or group.
- Editgroup.asp: Edit a group account.
- Edituser.asp: Edit a user account.
- Global.asa: Define the global event handlers for the ASP.
- Usermanagerlib.asp: The library for this application.
- Users.asp: The main GUI page for this application.
EditEvent Setting:
This utility enables a user to select and raise events in a MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. The action associated with an event object is performed when the event object is triggered. For example, report caches is invalidated when data warehouse upload occurs. A user can use this utility to log into an Intelligence Server, browse available event objects in the configuration, select some of them and store the settings, including server location and selected events.
1. Log in an Intelligence Server by specifying a server name, port number, user name and password.
Alternatively, a user could login by opening an event setting. To do this, select Open from file menu. Open Event Setting dialog box appears with a list of event settings. The events associated with the selected event setting are listed in the Included Events list box. Select an event setting and click OK. You can also delete an event setting by checking Delete and click OK.
2. When successfully logged in, all available events are listed in the Event Objects List list box. The number of schedule objects that are currently using an event is also displayed.
3. Execute some events to test its effect.
4. You can save the server name, port number and optionally log in credentials along with selecting events by select Save As from the File menu.
5. Save Event Setting dialog box appears with a list currently store settings. You can enter an event setting name and click OK to save the setting.
Extended Property Editor:
This application helps the administrator to set extended property for objects
1. Log into a Data Source and choose one root object using either standard or NT login
2. To add a property set, choose Property Set > Add...
3. Property can then be set under the Property set you created.
4. Add Property to the Property Set.
5. Property can also be deleted by going to Property Set > Delete...
Mini Object Manager:
This sample application demonstrates how to use MicroStrategy 7 Intelligence Server API to copy objects between projects at different data sources. It assumes the two projects have identical schema. It copies an object along with its necessary dependents. For example, if a report depends on a template and a filter object, it copies the report along with the template and filter objects from source project to destination project.
1. Login source configuration by specifying access mode(2 tier or 3 tier). In 2 tier mode, specify metadata connection string in the format of DSN=
2. Click Login to log in source configuration.
3. Once successfully logged in, a list of source projects is displayed in the project list box. Select a source project
4. Click Open Source Project.
5. Source Project tree view displays the source project first level folders. You can browse source project and select an object to be copied by clicking on the appropriate node in the tree view.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 4 to log in to destination project.
7. The Destination Project tree view displays the destination project first level folders. You can browse the destination project and select a folder where the source object will be copied.
8. Click on Copy to retrieve the Copy Object form. You are informed if the source project and destination project do not have the same schema.
9. The source object path and type, destination folder path are displayed in the corresponding text boxes. Source object and its dependents are listed in the Dependent Objects list view. The objects to be copied are bold.
10. Click Copy to start copying objects.
XML Converter:
MicroStrategy 7 supports XML representation of object browsing, report execution, drilling, searching, etc. The XML string could be in long name format or short name format. The long name format gives more meaningful sense to users while the short name format saves memory space and improves performance when dealing with the XML contents.
The XML representation in MicroStrategy 7 is always in short name format. This tool enables users to convert XML string between its long name and short name, along with the ability to save the formatted XML string into a file.
The XML string you try to convert must be well formed, which means that it has only one top level element and every tag in the XML string accompanies with its enclosing tail tag. The value of attributes on a tag must be double quoted. In addition, each tag and attribute must be defined by MicroStrategy 7. If there is any single tag or attribute unrecognized, an error occurs.
To convert an XML string, either cut and paste it into the tree-view box in the main form or load it from a file. The button To Long converts a short name formatted XML string to its corresponding long names while the button To Short does the opposite.
Security Support DLL:
This DLL provides the ability to link, change, or disconnect a specific MicroStrategy DSS user/group to a NT user/group. The functionality is exposed through a COM object with program ID: MSISDKLIB.SecuritySupport.
The function description and signature are as follows:
This function links a DSS user/group with DSSMemberID to a NT user/group with NTMemberName.
- IDL: HRESULT LinkDSSMember([in] BSTR DSSMemberID, [in] BSTR NTMemberName)
- VB: Sub LinkDSSMember(DSSMemberID as String, NTMemberName as String)
This function is used to unlink a DSS user/group.
- IDL: HRESULT UnLinkDSSMember([in] BSTR DSSMemberID)
- VB: Sub UnlinkDSSMember(DSSMemberID as String)
This function returns NT user/group name for a given DSS user/group with DSSMemberID.
- IDL: HRESULT get_NTLink([in] BSTR DSSMemberID, [out, retval] BSTR NTMemberName);
- VB: Property Get NTLink(DSSMemberID as String) as String
This function returns DSSMember name for a given NT user/group with NTMemberName.
- IDL: HRESULT get_DSSLink([in] BSTR NTMemberName, [out, retval] BSTR DSSMemberName);
- VB: Property Get DSSLink(NTMemberName as String) as String
This function is used to initialize a Dss session object.
- IDL: HRESULT InitSession([in] BSTR pLocation, [in] Long pAuthMode, [in] BSTR pLogin, [in] BSTR pPasswd)
- VB: Sub InitSession(pLocation as String, pAuthMode as Long, pLogin as String, pPasswd as String)
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